About Us

"You know that feeling when....

That new outfit you bought looks spectacular on,

When your skin looks sun kissed and you look in the mirror; you love your body,

When you're having a good hair and makeup day?

Yes, I do too!

I want to help you to continue feeling that!

Opalest curated beautiful products to help you elicit and love your femininity. Embrace the woman you are and who you're meant to be! Opalest products help you to continue feeling the best version of YOU!

Because when we feel the best we become our best. 🖤



    feminine energy is nurturing and soft but is not to be mistaken for being a push over. She is soft on the outside yet strong on the inside and she knows her boundaries. This strength comes from knowing who she is, what she wants and not being afraid to become who she's meant to be.


    we as women have the ability to bounce back in the faces of adversity, challenges and loss. As we grow we become more resilient as life gives us challenges, but as a woman we work at not letting them harden us along our path of life.

  • YOU

    are created uniquely and deserve to feel like the beautiful, talented, classy, sultry, loving, intuitive, nurturing, sensual and glowing woman you are everyday! You can become Opalest.